Classic Controls, Inc. - Best In Class Instruments, Controls, and Valves
Serving Florida, Georgia, the Caribbean, & Central America




The PMV range of valve positioners are simple, rugged, and reliable. With a complete product range of positioners and mounting kits, PMV positioners can be mounted on a vast majority of valve/actuator packages. The PMV product line includes single acting, double acting, pneumatic, electropneumatic, fail safe, anti-vibration, explosion proof, intrinsically safe, and digital. Special housing such as stainless steel or Tufram coated are also available.


Pneumatic & Electropneumatic Positioners

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5095 South Lakeland Drive
Lakeland, Florida 33813

Phone: 863.644.3642
Fax: 863.648.0484

Email: [email protected]

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© Copyright Classic Controls, Inc. 5095 S. Lakeland Drive | Lakeland. Florida 33813 | 863.644.3642, Fax 863.648.0484